Appendix B
Further Reading
The Giustiniani collection
Catalogues (in chronological order)
- Galleria Giustiniani del marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani, 2 vol. Rome 1631 and ??
- Filippo Aurelio Visconti, Indicazione delle sculture del Palazzo Giustiniani. Rome: M. De Romanis 1811.
- Giulio Emanuele Rizzo, Sculture antiche del Palazzo Giustiniani. Rome: E. Loescher 1905.
- Friedrich Matz - # Duhn ##
The collection of antiquities
- Laura Buccino, “Le antichità del marchese Vincenzo Giustiniani nel palazzo di Bassano a/presso Roma#,” Bollettino d’arte 91, 2006, ##.
- Giulia Fusconi (ed.), I Giustiniani e l’antico. Palazzo Fontant di Trevi, Roma 26 ottobre 2001-27 gennaio 2002. Rome: Erma di Bretschneider 2001.
- Angela Gallottini, Le sculture della collezione Giustiniani I. Documenti. Rome: Erma di Bretschneider 1988.
- L##. Guerrini, “Indicazioni” giustiniane 1. Di rami e statue ritrovati e perdute, Bollettino di numismatica 4 serie 3, 1987, 165-188.
The “Galleria Giustiniana” as paper museum
- Elizabeth Cropper, “Vincenzo Giustiniani’s ‘Galleria.’ The Pygmalion Effect,” in: Ian Jenkins (ed.), Cassiano del Pozzo’s Paper Museum, vol. 2, Turin 1992, 101-126.
Early excavations in Rome
- Leonard Barkan, Unearthing the Past, New Haven 1999.
- Ian Campell, “Rescue Archaeology in the Renaissance,” in: Ilaria Bignamini (ed.), Archives and Excavations, London 2004, 13-22.
- Amanda Claridge, “Archaeologies, Antiquaries, and the Memorie of Sixteenth and Seventeenth-century Rome,” in: Ilaria Bignamini (ed.), Archives and Excavations, London 2004, 33-53.
- Ingo Herklotz, “Excavations, Collectors and Scholars in 17th Century Rome,” in Ilaria Bignamini (ed.), Archives and Excavations, London 2004, 55-88.
- Alain Schnapp, The Discovery of the Past, London 1996 (French orig. 1993).
Sculptors, Restorers, Dealers
- Janet Burnett Grossman, Jerry Podany, and Marion True (eds.), History of Restoration of Ancient Stone Sculptures, Los Angeles 2003
- Angela Gallottini, “Restoration Techniques and Sources for the Statues of the Giustiniani Collection,” in Burnett Grossman – Podany – True 2003, 191-206.
- Nancy H. Ramage, “Restorer and Collector. Notes on Eighteenth Century Recreations of Roman Statues,” in Elaine K. Gazda (ed.), The Ancient Art of Emulation. Studies in Artistic Originality and Tradition from the Present to Classical Antiquity, Ann Arbor 2002, 61-77.
Collectors and Collecting
- Francis Haskell – Nicholas Penny, ## [highlight]
- Francis Haskell – Nicholas Perry, “Museums in 19th Century Rome,” in Donald Preziosi – Claire Farago (eds.), Grasping the World. The Idea of the Museum, Aldershot 2003, 559-571.
- Arthur MacGregor, Curiosity and Enlightenment. Collectors and Collections from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century, New Haven & London 2007.
Early Collections and Art Museums in the United States
- Paul DiMaggio, “Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Boston: the Creation of an Organizational Base for High Culture in America,” Media, Culture, Society 4: 1982, 33-50.
- Stephen L. Dyson, Ancient Marbles to American Shores. Classical Archaeology in the United States, Philadelphia 1998.
- Alan Wallach, Exhibiting contradiction. Essays on the Art Museum in the United States, Boston 1998, 38-56.